Robotic Press Loading


The goal of this project was to develop an automated system to tend an AIDA NC1 mechanical press. Our client had a high volume of parts that required a pressing operation before being shipped. Working closely with our client and equipment they had purchased, we developed a cost-effective solution that is able to pick parts and load the press. It can run for 45 minutes to an hour unattended. An operator then just needs to take a minute to dump a box of parts in the hopper and let it run again.


Parts are fed onto an Asycube 530 feeding system. This feeder is monitored by a vision system that identifies the easiest parts for the robot to pick to keep cycle time down. The parts are loaded onto a mandrel before they are pressed. An oiling tray allows the robot to oil every 10-20 parts to keep the mandrel lubricated for easy part ejection. An ejection chute delivers the finished part into a box ready for packaging.

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